While we have always been in awe of this multi-talented artist and ‘color-freak’ interiors of our house has been enhanced further by one of her finest artwork. Simple yet very detailed acrylic work on canvas with fish texture. Wall has become a favorite selfie point for us 😀. Really proud owners of exquisite ‘Colorbar
Neha PoddarMumbai, India
J'ai rencontré Poonam par hasard via un lien FB pour la dance et de fil en aiguille elle me dit qu'elle peint, l'énergie qui ressort de ses cours de danses je voulais absolument voir son travail et là, LA rencontre... J'avais dans l'esprit de juste regarder son travail mais une fois dans son atelier tous ces tableaux, toutes ces couleurs, il y a une telle énergie !!! Et en tournant ma tête je vois ce tableau LE TABLEAU... Tandavam il dégage une telle énergie, il est magnifique ! je ne peux plus tourner mon regard de celui ci, je le veux absolument... Et depuis il est à la maison et à chaque fois que quelqu'un rentre chez moi il est bouche bée par ce tableau. Je le vois tous les jours mais je ne me lasse pas de l'admirer 😅
Carine KParis
Poonam is a naturally gifted artist whose vibrant and colorful style of painting reflect brightness and positivites of life. Be it on canvas, mural, wall or ceiling she adds magic in whatever she decides to paint on...
Rahul MendirattaParis
I’ve known Poonam for 10 years now and even in the years before she launched her studio, her creative spirit radiated in almost everything she did. Art has always held powerful meaning for me, and in my home I want to cherish warmth, friendships, reflections most importantly memories to look back on as we build our life .. The Sunburst mirror captured my attention the moment I spotted it in an Instagram story and the connection was instant. Today, this beautiful piece of art holds up the light on dark days when I need some motivation and vibrance. It reminds me of the artist’s love of life and color while bringing depth to our living space . It embodies the essence of what Degas said : “A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy.” It was simply the perfect first piece of affordable art I could own !
I had asked Poonam to create a painting that captures the explosion of possibilities in the Universe.
The painting she created was this and much more…. With the vibrancy, texture, and explosion of color she captured the effusion of life….but what draws me to the painting is the randomness and inconsistencies with in it…just like life…there is a certain amount of messiness in certain aspects but from a distance one cannot but take-in the glory and beauty of the painting(/life).
This painting is one of the most precious object that I have in my house. Precious as it brings me so much joy and beautiful energy whenever I look at it. I love to see how the colors changed during the whole day and it has different energy every time. Every time I look at the painting, I admire it differently as the colours or energy are never the same and this is one of the reason for me this painting is precious as it represents a part of me and also a piece of the world that I love a lot and where I feel a piece of me has always been. Thank you so much Poonam for having given me this chance with such a beautiful masterpiece.
I was going to Burning Man for my first time and, of course, needed to work on my creative wardrobe, and so I went to talk about it with Poonam, the color freak! And BOOM the ideas started flowing, and before I knew it, she had refashioned my ugly hiking boots into magical walking boots sparkly and original, totally metamorphasized (as was the theme of BM that year). Then came the white overalls transformed into textured, layered, colorized, fantastical outfit made just for my personality and the event - which she had captured, artistically, with genius. I was also blown away by the suede tressed (??) jacket - the highlight piece of them all - which she painted and covered with silk flowers and myriad, micro, Indian jewelry and beads, threads and yarns - INSANE! I got so many compliments at BM on my clothes that I wear them now in everyday life and when asked who customized your clothes, I say my private couturier is the Indian artist aka The Indian Galliano!
David BrowerParis
I remember being mesmerized by her first ever painting I saw years ago... Poonam had graced a whole wall with a Shiva in full splendor.. expressive eyes, intense gaze and captured in a dancing pose. It was a goosebump moment. Since then, I've lived many a goosebump moment discovering her diverse paintings. They never cease to amaze and so aptly mirror who she is - a sheer burst of energy, colour and life!
I'm thrilled to own a ByPoonam; loving the ambience and energy it brings to my living room
Anand GParis
Ma belle-soeur m'a fait le plus beau des cadeaux pendant ma grossesse :
une séance de peinture sur mon ventre !
Poonam est une vraie artiste à l'univers créatif magique, aux mille et une couleurs.
Nous avons imaginé ensemble l'oeuvre qu'elle a réalisée sur mon ventre et le résultat a été encore mieux que ce que je pouvais espérer.
Enfin, nous avons immortalisé ce moment magique au Bois de Vincennes par de magnifiques photos prises par Poonam.
Les souvenirs sont gravés dans nos mémoires et nous pourrons les partager avec notre fils qui est né quelques jours après la séance.
Je remercie énormément Poonam et ma belle-soeur pour ce merveilleux cadeau.
Poonam's work is magnetic and mystical. I had the opportunity to view a few paintings a couple of months ago and as I walked into the room, a warm and fuzzy feeling enveloped me. I felt like I was basking in the sun! The way Poonam uses colour is uplifting, and the energy she infuses into her work is palpable. Her art, which is accessible and affordable, has a feel-good sixth element to it. You can sense Poonam's good intentions in her work, a feeling which is priceless!
Poonam is a poet; her song expressed in colour. It is an honour and indeed a privilege to be welcomed into her world. I have known her long enough to be unable to remember when I didn't. And I've seen how she nurtures the soul of a thought before she expresses it as a creative art form. Once she deems you ready, she entrusts you with it. There's a spiritual calculus that underlies this union that is privy only to Poonam. But to be able to hazard a guess at it through her art, oh, it is a joy unlike any other!
Poonam’s art is passionate, vibrant and freeing, just like her. Poonam, I’ve
learned, means “full moon," and like the moon, she moves me, like no other;
she has come to be one of my favourite people.