El Dorado

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Acrylic and Gold Foil on canvas

80 x 80 cms


Welcome to the City of Gold!


A friend of mine got inspired by this painting and wrote a poem 🙂

If you roll all
Your untold stories in a ball
And let it fall
In the well of will
And you sit very still
The well will tell you a secret:
Dig deep in the soil of the soul
Past the rotten fruits, the coiling roots,
Sleeping seeds and grumbling grains
Past the cold folds of old frozen pain
The hidden nuclear waste of hate,
The forgotten mines of your feud with fate.
Keep digging.
If you are unflinching and bold
To visit these dark and ancient parts
And meet the ghosts, demons and denizens of hell
You banished out of fear
Look at them again, look at them well
The horns and claws will vanish
And all the horrors and terrors
Will turn out to be just broken mirrors.
If you are brave enough to descend to the core
You will find that your shadows are also yours to mould
You will realise
The bottom of all of it is gold.
-Fanni Suto